- 1 puntos

- 067 - United Music Progressive House - Sound Attraction

Su questa esclusiva web radio, potrai apprezzare le canzoni tipiche della progressive house, nata in Inghilterra negli anni 90. Questi artisti reinterpretano la musica underground, influenzati dalla techno e dalla trance, con sfumature tribali. Uno degli stili musicali contemporanei più diffusi nei club, che trova ambasciatori come Artbat e Stan Kolev. ---- On this exclusive web radio, you will appreciate the typical songs of progressive house, born in England in the 90s. These artists reinterpret the underground music, influenced by techno and trance, with tribal nuances. One of the most popular contemporary musical styles in clubs, which finds ambassadors like Artbat and Stan Kolev.
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