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88.5 UFM - It's all about you

88.5 UFM is designed specifically for U; to be the fun and youthful partner for all young people seeking opportunities to live their best, unhindered life every day.We are dedicated to creating unforgettable good times that add colour to each day, to ensure you stay Authentic, Colourful and Confident in you and your abilities. We are your plug to entertainment, life hacks, loads of fun and games that help you escape the dry and flaky, predictable life, with opportunities to win big right in the middle of the chaos.We make every day ridiculously fun, and still push U to dream; dream crazy in fact, and get all the support you need, because we care!
#270 ranking local #70,494 ranking global
Nigeria, Lagos, Lagos 
18 visitas en total

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Lagos 88.5 FM

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