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KVRA Solid Gold Power Radio - Go For IT

We focus on the 70's music Plus more, fun. Radio shows like Daddio Dan's Diner. Check out the website hear and see a humatars. KVRA radio is like going back in time. When DJ's would spin vinyl records or play great radio promo jingles. Hear the lost Country Classics of the 70's. Music marathons like the Beatles, we did last September. Changes coming all the time with new ideas for our listeners. February is the love month. Here on KVRA your love station, love music will be in the air. KVRA has a hugging tone listen and go for it.Mission Statement: Our goal at KVRA is keep it a family friendly and safe station, no vulgar explicit lyrics.
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Oklahoma City Online

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La TOP 10 del mes de Mayo

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TOP 8 Radio 21

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