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Lebonmix Remix - Les années 80s & 90s remixées

This channel offers tracks from the 80s and 90s, but only in remixed versions. The collection is large to feed this new project with as few repetitions as possible. The radio does not refrain from broadcasting older or more recent remixes, if they deserve to be brought to the ears of listeners. Some remixes are real treasures, often versions made by anonymous people, enthusiasts or great creatives who know how to bring the original songs back to life.The jingles were deliberately produced in-house, in a "vintage" way, as the owner Pierre DENJEAN did when he started on FM radio more than 35 years ago.
#3,587 ranking local #90,668 ranking global
France, Languedoc-Roussillon Region, Toulouse 
2 visitas en total

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Toulouse Online

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