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Phoenix 63 Radio - Rising Through the Airwaves!

Phoenix Six Three Radio www.phoenix63radio.com Why Phoenix? Ancient Greeks and Egyptians described a mythical bird called the Phoenix, a magnificent creature that was a symbol of renewal and rebirth. It represents rebirth to a higher level. We believe Phoenix represents the indomitable Filipino spirit. We all experience various challenges and adversities in life and we always rise up from the adversities. We always find a way to pick ourselves up, just like a phoenix, rising from the ashes, ready to begin anew. Why Six Three? 63 is the Philippine’s area code. Filipino Pride. History What happens when you put together a group of people who are dreamers, innovators and doers? Phoenix Six Three Radio is what happens. Phoenix Six Three Radio team are made up of individuals working towards a common goal, that is to provide quality entertainment for Filipinos all across the globe. We're goal-oriented dreamers who also want to have fun along the way.
#706 ranking local #73,154 ranking global
Philippines, ,  
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