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Steam Fair FM - Steam Fair FM ...home of the vintage hits

Now in its 20th year of broadcasting, the station is independently owned and operated by Event Radio Associates, headed by co-founder Patrick Heeley in partnership with Jonathan Robson. It is financially supported by a special partnership with the show and through advertising and sponsorship.Capturing the nature of the Great Dorset Steam Fair as Britain’s "National Heritage Show", Steam Fair FM is the "Home Of The Vintage Hits" – a unique 20th century music policy focussed on the period 1955-1997. Vintage Hits are defined as songs which are at least 25 years old (the same definition as for a Vintage tractor!) We "add" an extra year with each broadcast (this year 1997!)We also recognise the tremendous popularity of the bands who regularly perform at the Steam Fair, including The Wurzels, and Dr. Busker, who is often heard playing live in the Steam Fair FM studio! With music as its bedrock, Steam Fair FM's format combines great oldies with news about the show, interviews with exhibitors on the showground, "Vox Pops" with visitors and exhibitors, and much more! Don’t miss our fabulous competitions during the five show days, with great prizes to be won!
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10 visitas en total

Frecuencias de Steam Fair FM

Blandford Forum 87.9 FM

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