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WLHA Radio - The Big 64, Music and Malarkey

WLHA, "The Big 64" is a former AM college station now operated by veteran professional broadcasters as an international (English language) live streaming station. We program primarily 20th century rock/pop music and CBS news on the hour on weekdays. Weekend programming includes special shows for classical music, comedy, big band, jazz, Americana, and vintage dance music. Primary studios are in Madison, WI and New York City, N.Y. but show originate from eight cities in the U.S. and also Manchester, in the U.K. The station slogan "Music and Malarkey" captures the playful spirit of the station jocks tastefully mixing great music from a vast library with fun jingles, vintage and original spoof commercials, contests and quizzes. There is plenty of audience participation, particularly during the live weekday morning shows and the Friday Night Live group show. The WLHA jocks are always happy to play requests from email or phone, or do call outs for listener birthdays and other occasions.
#23,476 ranking local #82,269 ranking global
United States, New York, New York 
2 visitas en total

Frecuencias de WLHA Radio

Madison Online
New York Online

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