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Bearded Fishermen Charity Radio - Gainsborough Community Radio your local radio station

Gainsborough’s Community Radio StationWelcome to the website of Bearded Fishermen Radio. We are a Community Radio Station serving the town of Gainsborough, Lincolnshire and the surrounding area.Bearded Fisherman Radio first broadcast on 1st March 2021. We are a part of the Bearded Fishermen Charity whose mission is to provide help and support for anyone of any age with mental health issues. You can find more information about the Charity on its website www.beardedfishermen.org.uk.Music & Mental HealthYou may wonder Why as a mental Health Charity we set up a community radio station. That's easy, one of the best things to help with mental health issues, Depression and anxiety is MUSIC, Getting out and relaxing. You can find that having something to try and something that you can get out doing is a great therapy, Music is great therapy, the radio station also helps people to get out and do something they enjoy and its so easy to do. Many of our hosts are struggling with some form of mental health issues and they have found becoming a host on the radio has helped them a lot. Getting involved in planning a show choosing the music and talking to people over the air builds up confidence and it is also a great way to meet new people even if just virtually on air or by txt into the studio.Why not come along and give it a try you may find you enjoy it.
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