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Connect FM 91.5 - Asli Radio

Bringing you fresh perspective, credible information, and wholesome entertainment, Connect FM 91.5 MHz is Metro Vancouver’s newest ethnic voice! As a new era of radio ushers in, Connect FM is your favourite trailblazer of unique and exciting radio. We are your new hub for news, local issues, entertainment, sports, literature, art and culture, and so much more! Connect FM is all about community, putting values, attitudes, and traditions with flare and energy added in at the forefront. Combining elements of education, empathy, and entertainment, Connect FM strives to strengthen the social fabric of community. It provides its listeners with relevant, engaging content, promoting the vision of Canada and reflecting on the interests, needs, challenges, and aspirations of varying groups and communities. Fostering a sense of belonging by its emphasis on connection, Connect FM builds bridges between people in many ways, from interculturally, between the young and younger, to the old and new. It unites voices with its focus, precision, and thorough research. Connect FM will serve Metro Vancouver’s ethnically diverse communities living in Surrey and the seven neighboring municipalities of Burnaby, Coquitlam, Delta, Langley, Maple Ridge, New Westminster and Richmond. As a mixed-media company, Connect FM is the ultimate hub for those who crave more from media and broadcasting! Offering exciting new opportunities, content, discussions, and perspectives, it’s an incredible bridge for Vancouver communities at all ages and stages of life. Connect FM does exactly that—it connects.
#545 ranking local #17,730 ranking global
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver 
183 visitas en total

Frecuencias de Connect FM 91.5

Abbotsford 91.5 FM
Burnaby 91.5 FM
New Westminster 91.5 FM
Surrey 91.5 FM
Vancouver 91.5 FM

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Mil Emisoras
