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Denmark Street Radio - Where music legends are born!

DSR: Breaking new music, rich heritage tracks plus the latest news, interviews and live gigs direct from London's world famous Denmark Street.Denmark Street Radio captures the inspiration, the heritage and the future of the British music scene.Our radio station is located where The Sex Pistols and Black Sabbath started their musical journeys. Stevie Wonder, Jimi Hendrix and Paul Simon all recorded here and David Bowie even lived on the street in a campervan. The Rolling Stones recorded their first album here in 1964 and it’s where The Kinks cut their first record.The area has been transformed from its music publishing origins in 1911 into a billion pound immersive music and culture district. While still being home to some of the greatest instrument stores anywhere in the world, it now also boasts a new 2000 capacity venue “Here” and a 270 capacity venue “The Lower Third" where DSR broadcasts from.DSR's mission is to support expression, give a platform to new and emerging talent and to aid the community of Denmark Street.Denmark Street Radio, celebrating the musical history of London, while broadcasting the future.
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City of Westminster Online

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