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My Redeemer Radio

My Redeemer Radio is a Christian in Dunkwa on Offin (MRR). We share the Scripture and Word of God through Bible-based teachings, Spiritual Teachings to souls worldwide through our free, online-streamed radio. Proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord’s, “Preach the Gospel to every soul,” is our mission and the goal of the My Redeemer Radio is to keep the people informed about the activities of the Maranatha Redeemer Prayer Ministry by making them aware of pastoral and Spiritual guidelines of the Ministry. Together, we’ve created a Christian network committed to offering the doctrines of the church teachings to believers as well as those just beginning to learn the truth.
#120 ranking local #39,641 ranking global
Ghana, Ashanti, Kumasi 
120 visitas en total

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Kumasi Online

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La TOP 10 del mes de Mayo

TOP 1 Greatest Hits Radio

La Paz - 92.9 FM

TOP 2 90.6 F.M InTheNight

Montevideo - Online

TOP 3 Fans Radio

Lima - Online

TOP 4 Radio Manantial

Santiago - Online

TOP 5 Bonchona 107.1 FM

Valencia - 107.1 FM


Piedras Negras - 104.3 FM

TOP 8 95 x

Caracas - 95.7 FM

TOP 9 Radio 21

Caleta Olivia - 90.1 FM

Mil Emisoras
