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Premier FM 93.5 Ibadan - Your Dependable Companion

Premier 93.5 FM that goes by the appellation “Your Dependable Companion” was commissioned by the late first lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Chief Stella Obasanjo on the 30th of October, 2001. The Station’s Transmitter is situated at Moniya while the Studios are in the Broadcasting House, Dugbe, Ibadan. The Station’s Office Complex is situated at No. 617 Jibowu Crescent, Iyaganku, Ibadan. Premier FM was established as a result of the federal government’s objective of setting up 32 FM Stations across the country under President Olusegun Obasanjo. Premier 93.5FM has the mandate to serve her immediate environment through programmes that educate, inform and entertain people at the grassroots. To this end, 70% of the Station’s programmes are in Yoruba Language. The Station sets out to be friendly, down-to-earth and indigenous in outlook with mostly community based programmes.
#304 ranking local #75,105 ranking global
Nigeria, Oyo, Ibadan 
11 visitas en total

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Ibadan 93.5 FM

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