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Radio RSP

Radio RSP started broadcasting back in the early 2000s. Set up and run by to best friends back when internet radio was a very new thing.Throughout the years the station has come and gone with growing presenters joining the team along the way.The Last record of the station we can find is from back in 2011 (although have found jingles dating to 2012).The idea behind Radio RSP coming back is that we lost one of the funding members and so we thought it would be the right thing to do to bring the station back and make a go of it.Please let us know what you think of the station and any types of shows or ideas you might have for things to broadcast about.
#1,656 ranking local #58,953 ranking global
United Kingdom, England, York 
27 visitas en total

Frecuencias de Radio RSP

York Online

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Mil Emisoras
